Laima Vincė – poetė, rašytoja, dramaturgė ir vertėja. Laima Vincė Sruoginis gimė JAV. Už savo kūrybą yra pelniusi ne vieną Amerikos valstybinį apdovanojimą, nuo 2011 m. yra Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos narė.
Ji įgijo kūrybinio rašymo literatūros magistro laipsnį Kolumbijos universitete ir negrožinės literatūros magistro laipsnį Naujojo Hampšyro universitete. Laima Vincė yra gavusi dvi Fulbright kūrybinio rašymo stipendijas, Nacionalinio fondo literatūros meno premiją bei PEN vertimų fondo dotaciją.
romaną This is Not My Sky („Tai ne mano dangus“)
šešias negrožinės literatūros knygas:
Lenin‘s Head on a Platter („Lenino galva ant padėklo“)
Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart („Mūsų nepalaužė“)
The Snake in the Vodka Bottle („Gyvatė degtinės butelyje“)
Digging a Hole to China: A Memoir on Teaching and Traveling („Tunelis į Kiniją: Prisiminimai apie mokymą ir keliones“)
The Way Life Should Be („Koks turėtų būti gyvenimas“).
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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.


Laima Vincė has been publishing fiction and nonfiction in the United States, United Kingdom, and Lithuania over the past thirty years. She writes in both English and Lithuanian. She is a well-known literary translator from Lithuanian into English, known for her poetry translations of Lithuania’s most prestigious poets. Her most recent book, Vanished Lands: Memory and Postmemory in North American Lithuanian Diaspora Literature is forthcoming with Peter Lang Publishers.
Laima Vincė has published Karantino dienoraštis (The Quarantine Diary) with the Lithuanian publisher Dominicus Lituanus (2021) and a collection of love letters between two resistance fighters, Apie Anuos Nepamirštamus Laikus (About Those Unforgettable Times) with the Lithuanian Institute of Literature and Folklore (2021). She has researched and written about the Litvak poet, Matilda Olkinaitė, who was murdered in 1941 in the Holocaust in Lithuania at the age of 19 and has translated Matilda Olkinaitė’s collected body of poems and short prose and her diary from Lithuanian into English, published as The Unlocked Diary (The Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2021). Laima Vincė has written five works of literary nonfiction and a novel, Tai ne mano dangus (This is Not My Sky), which was published in the United States and in Lithuanian translation by Alma Littera. This same publisher also published her collection of oral histories of the generation of women who survived the Holocaust in Lithuania, fought in the anti-Soviet resistance, survived exile to Siberia and Tajikistan as Mūsų nepalaužė (Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart).
Twice Laima Vincė has been awarded a Fulbright grant in Creative Writing (1995 – 1997 and 2007 - 20090. She is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts award in Literature. She is also the recipient of a PEN Translation Award and many other honors. She graduated with an MFA in Writing from Columbia University in New York (1994) and an MFA in Nonfiction from the University of New Hampshire (2013). She earned her PhD in Humanities from Vilnius University (2022). Laima Vincė lives and works in Vilnius, Lithuania and in New York and Maine.


Curriculum Vitae
Vanished Lands: Memory and Postmemory in North American Lithuanian Diaspora Literature. Oxford: Peter Lang Publishers, forthcoming 2023.
The Earth Remains: An Anthology of Contemporary Lithuanian Prose. Edited and translated from Lithuanian by Laima Sruoginis. New York: Columbia University Press, East European Monographs, 2003. Reviewed: National Geographic Traveler, October 2008.
Raw Amber: An Anthology of Contemporary Lithuanian Poetry. Edited and translated by Laima Sruoginis. Co-editor Wolfgang Goertsacher. Salzburg: Poetry Salzburg, 2002.
Lithuania: In Her Own Words. Edited by Laima Sruoginis. Vilnius: Tyto Alba, 1997.
Lenin’s Head on a Platter. Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers Union Publishers, 2008; Lithuanian edition (Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers Union Publishers, 2008)
“Postmemory as historical reckoning: coming to terms with a grandparent’s complicity in the Holocaust in Lithuania: Rita Gabis, A Guest at the Shooters’ Banquet, and Julija Šukys, Siberian Exile,” Journal for Baltic Studies, Published online June 16, 2022.
“Two interpretations – two continents: a reading of Algirdas Landsbergis’s play, Five Posts in a Market Place,” Journal of Baltic Studies, Issue One of Volume 53 (2022).
“Kukutis and K.B.: The Archaic and the Post-Modern in the Work of Lithuanian Poet Marcelijus Martinaitis,” Translation Review, Volume 71, 2006, Issue 1. Published online August 21, 2012.
“The First Note: An Interview with Paul Jaskūnas.” Vilnius Review, August 24, 2023. See:
“Sisterhood in War: An Interview with Ukrainian poet Kateryna Mikhalitsyna on poetry, war, and motherhood,” Catamaran, Vol. 11, Issue 1,
Winter 2023.
“I am Here: An Interview with the Poet Daiva Chesonis,” Vilnius Review, July 19, 2023. See:
“There is not Weirdness New York Cannot Absorb,” Vilnius Review,
June 8, 2023. See:
“Ken Ilgūnas: Out of the Wild,” Vilnius Review, May 4, 2023. See:
“Sisterhood in War: An Interview with Ukrainian poet Kateryna Mikhalitsyna on poetry, war, and motherhood,” Catamaran, Vol. 11, Issue 1, Winter 2023.
“Transforming Trauma Through Writing.” Arrowsmith, Volume 24, Fall 2023. Featured on Lit Hub, October 11, 2023.
“The Intuition of Matilda Olkinaitė’s Poetry: From a life cut short in Lithuania,” Catamaran, Vol. 10, Issue 4, Fall 2022.
“Compassionate Linguistics: Learning Ukrainian as Resistance to Russia’s War,” Draugas News, November 2022.
“Support Ukraine: A Lithuanian Grassroots Humanitarian Aid Organization,” October 2022.
“The Quarantine Diary: Excerpts,” The Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, September 16, 2022.
“Evil Fears Openness: Remembering the Chronicle of the Catholic Church of Lithuania on its Fifty-Year Anniversary” Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, March 2022.
“Four Portraits of Lithuanian-Americans in Alaska,” Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, September 2021.
“Love and Betrayal in the Former Soviet Union,” Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, June 2021.
“In Memoriam, Irena Veisaitė,” Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, January 2021.
“Nostalgia: A Meditation on East and West,” Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, December 2020.
“The Brief Life of the Litvak Poet, Matilda Olkinaitė, 1922 – 1941,” Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, October 2020.
“I Made My Choice: Svetlana Tikhanovskaya Speaks Out in Vilnius, Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, September 2020.
“On Identity and Acceptance,“ Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature print version, May 2019. 178-183.
“On Identity and Acceptance,” Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature, May 2019.
“A Question of Identity: Lithuanian American/Canadian Writers,” Lituanus, Vol. 64 (2019).
“The Silenced Muse: The Life of a Murdered Jewish Poet,” Deep Baltic, May 2018.
“Mushroom Hunting in Vermont—Lithuanian Style,” Deep Baltic, November 2017.
“The Snake in the Vodka Bottle,” Deep Baltic, 2017.
“Living in a State of Non-History,” Deep Baltic, 2017.
“Survival in a 1984 Soviet Bunker,” Deep Baltic, 2017.
“Her Nora Has Come Back from the Dead,” Deep Baltic, 2017.
“Tough Lessons Learned on the Edge of the Kalahari Desert,” The EARCOS Triannual Journal: Spring 2015.
“Candy as Memory Catalyst,” Lituanus, Vol. 60 (2014).
“Tutoring Nepalese Children in Hong Kong,” The EARCOS Triannual Journal: Fall 2014.
“Twenty-Four Teens and a Teacher in Siem Reap, Cambodia” Aspen Review 4: 2013
“Antakalnis Cemetery,” Aspen Review 3: 2013.
“The Dictator Within,” Aspen Review 2: 2013.
Vincė, Laima. “What’s behind those monastery walls?” Tourist & Town, Fall 2023.
“Chasing the Northern Lights: Driving Iceland’s Ring Road,” Literary Traveler, November 2022.
“Bhutan: A Land of Poetry,” Tashi Delek: Royal Bhutanese Airlines Flight Magazine, December 2018.
“After the Party They All Departed: Photographs by Algis Norvila,” Draugas News, December 2022.
“Photographs on Work and Life by Arūnas Baltėnas,” Draugas News, January 2022.
Vincė, Laima. Catharsis Through Memory, Samuel Bak: Painted in Words—A
Memoir. Pucker Gallery catalogue publication, 2021.
Performance date: October 21, 2023. Vertėjas (The Interpreter). Chicago Drama
Circle, Balzekas Museum, Chicago.
Performance date: January 3, 2016. A Mong Kog Romeo and Juliet. Faust International Youth Theatre, Hong Kong.
Performance date: January 30, 2015. Chaos@Chungking Mansions. American International School of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Performance date: May 5, 2015. A Mong Kok Romeo and Juliet. American International School of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Performance date: January 4, 2014. I Always Lock My Doors in Portland, Maine. Improvised Puppet Theater, Portland Stage Company, Portland, Maine.
Performance date: November 29, 2013. Friday Night Live in Hong Kong. American International School of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Performance date: May 3, 2012. The Interpreter. Freedom Ltd. Dublin, Ireland.
Audio drama by Amanda Dalton, adapted from The Ballads of Kukutis, by Marcelijus Martinaitis translated by Laima Vince, and starring Paterson Joseph, Guy Rhys and Kristina Buikaite. Premier: December 25, 2022, on Resonance FM.
The Cerulean Bird. Matilda Olkinaitė. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė.
Todmarden: Arc Publications, 2023.
The Ballads of Kukutis. Marcelijus Martinaitis, Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vince. United Kingdom: Arc Publications, 2011
Reviewed: Times Literary Supplement, January 2012. Reviewer: Tomas Venclova.
K.B., The Suspect. Martinaitis, Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vince. New York: White Pines Press, 2009.
The Dead. Sigitas Parulskis. Trans. by Liz Donnaghue, Intermediate Translations by Laima Sruoginis. Munster: Munster Literature Center, 2004.
Houses That Talk: Passages of Mėsinių Street in the 19th – 20th Century (Up to 1940). Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė and Dalia Cidzikaitė. Aelita
Ambrulevičiūtė, Giedrė Polkaitė-Petkevičienė. Vilnius: Aukso Žuvys,
Kaunas: Stories of the City and Its People. Giedrė Milerytė-Japertienė. Translated by Laima Vincė. Kaunas City Museum, 2022.
Houses That Talk: Passages of Mėsinių Street in the 19th – 20th Century (Up to 1940). Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė and Dalia Cidzikaitė. Aelita Ambrulevičiūtė, Giedrė Polkaitė-Petkevičienė. Vilnius: Aukso Žuvys, 2023.
Kazys Varnelis. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė. Daiva Vaišnienė. Vilnius: Lithuanian National Museum, 2023.
Matilda Olkinaitė: The Unlocked Diary. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė. Research and Introductory essay by Laima Vincė. Edited by Mindaugas Kvietkauskas. Author of the introductory essay: “The Silenced Muse,” researcher, editor, consultant. Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2021; Lithuanian edition (Vilnius: Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2020.)
Rowing to Niagara Falls. Rima Karalienė. Translated by Laima Vincė. Amazon Publishers, 2021.
Kuksando. Jin Mok. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė. Vilnius: The National Kusando Centre, 2021.
The Philosopher's Wife. Dalia Dilytė. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė. Vilnius: Sofoklis, 2016.
Musica Mathematica. Rima Povilionienė. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Vincė. New York: Peter Lang, 2016.
Forest Brothers. Juozas Lukša. Translation from Lithuanian and introductory essay by Laima Sruoginis. Budapest and New York: Central European University Press, 2010. Reviewed: Lituanus, Volume 57, No. 3, Fall 2011, Reviewer: Antanas Sileika.
My Voice Betrays Me. Vanda Juknaite. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Sruoginis. New York: Columbia University Press, East European Monographs, 2007.
Just One Moment More. Konstancija Bražėnienė. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Sruoginis. New York: Columbia University Press, East European Monographs, 2007.
Letters from Nowhere. Jonas Mekas. Translated from Lithuanian by Laima Sruoginis. Paris: Paris Experimental, 2003.
Performance dates: September 2018. Sons of a Bitch (Kalės vaikai). Saulius Šaltenis. Trans. Laima Vincė. Performed by Klaipėda Theatre, Shanghai International Theatre Festival, Shanghai, China. (6 performances). Directed by Eimantas Nekrošius.
Performance dates: 2018 – 2019 season. Sons of a Bitch. (Kalės vaikai), Saulius Šaltenis. Trans. Laima Vincė. Klaipėda Theatre, Klaipėda, Lithuania.
Performance dates: May 2, 2012. The Girl Who God Feared. (Mergaitė, kuri bijojo Dievas) Gintaras Grajauskas. Trans. Laima Vincė. Freedom Ltd. Dublin, Ireland.
Performance dates: September 1997. The Lives of the Dead. (Iš gyvenimo vėlių) Sigitas Parulskis, Trans. Laima Vince. Performed in the Lithuanian Open Society Fund Theater Festival.
“The Death of a Butterfly,” “Good Morning,” “During the Gnosiology Lesson,” “My People,” “A Jewish Lullaby,” “Your tiny room,” “Oh, how many have gathered,” “The Cerulean Bird.” Catamaran, Vol. 10, Issue 4, Fall 2022.
“A Word,” “My People,” “During the Gnosiology Lesson,” “All the skiffs have foundered…” by Matilda Olkinaitė. Translated from Lithuanian. Poetry of the Holocaust. United Kingdom: Arc, 2019.
“The Cerulean Bird,” “Your Tiny Room,” “Oh how many have gathered,” “A Jewish Lullaby,” “Night,” “An Idle Evening,” “For My Dear Idealist,” “Blaze in the Sea,” by Matilda Olkinaitė. Translated from Lithuanian. The Vilnius Review. October 20, 2020.
“A Word,” “Good Morning!” “Oh, how many have gathered,” “Your tiny toom,” “Night,” “An Idle Evening,” “For My Dear Idealist,” “All the skiffs have foundered,” by Matilda Olkinaitė. Translated from Lithuanian. National Translation Month, 2019. (
This is Not My Sky. Amazon Publishers, 2017.
Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart. Amazon Publishers, 2017.
The Way Life Should Be: Essays about people who live their dreams. Amazon Publishers, 2017.
Digging a Hole to China: A Memoir on Teaching and Traveling. Amazon Publishers, 2016.
The Snake in the Vodka Bottle. Amazon Publishers, 2012.
Karantino dienoraštis. (The Quarantine Diary) Laima Vincė. Vilnius: Dominicus Lituanus, 2021.
Apie anuos nepamirštamus laikus: Juozo Lukšos-Daumanto ir Nijolės Bražėnaitės susirašinėjimas. (About Those Unforgettable Years: The Correspondence of Juozas Lukša-Daumantas and Nijolė Bražėnaitė). Edited by Laima Vincė. Vilnius: The Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2021.
Mūsų Nepalaužė. (Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart) Translation from English by Inga Būdvytytė. Vilnius: Alma Littera, 2019; (English edition: Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart, Amazon, 2009. Reviewed: Lituanus, Volume 57, No. 3, Fall 2011. Reviewer: Eglė Kačkutė.
Tai ne mano dangus. (This Is Not My Sky) Translation from English by Loreta Gema Baltaduonė. Vilnius, Alma Littera, 2018; (English edition: This is Not My Sky, Amazon, 2017.) Reviewed: „Mirti ir Prisikelti“ (To Die and Rise Again). Vaida Venskutonytė. Metai. Nr. 3, 2019.
Rašyti gali kiekvienas (Everybody Can Write). Vilnius : Baltos Lankos, 2010.
Lenino galva ant padėklo. (Lenin’s Head on a Platter) Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers Union Publishers, 2008; Lithuanian edition.
Anicetas Simutis: 60 Metų Lietuvos Diplomatinėje Tarnyboje (Anicetas Simutis: 60 Years of Diplomatic Service). Edited by Laima Vince Sruoginis and Rimantas Morkvenas. Vilnius: The Lithuanian Centre for Genocide and Resistance, 2007.
„Estrada, apsirengusi šiuolaikiniu rūbu,“ (Old Time Pop Music in a Contemporary Costume), Draugas: Lithuanian Worldwide News, October 20, 2022.
„Krikštai ir nepaprasta jų atkūrimo istoriją“ (Recreating Historic Gravemarkers in Nida), Draugas: Lithuanian Worldwide News, August 18, 2022.
„Galima prisidėti gera valia: Pokalbis su Lietuvos Prezidentu Gitanas Nausėda“ (We Can All Contribute Our Goodwill: A Conversation with Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nausėda), Draugas: Lithuanian Worldwide News, July 9, 2022.
„Visi Mes Jautėmės karaliais“ (We All Felt Like Kings), Draugas: Lithuanian Worldwide News, July 14, 2022.
„Arba su kardu, arba visai negrįžk... Iš Nijolės Bražėnaitės ir Juozo LukšosDaumanto susirašinėjimo“ (Either come back with a sword or don’t come back at all: From the love letters of Nijolė Bražėnaitė and Juozas LukšaDaumantas), Bernardinai, March 12, 2021.
„Apie moteriškumą N. Bražėnaitės ir J. Lukšos-Daumanto susirašinėjime...“ (For International Women’s Day: From the love letters of Nijolė Bražėnaitė and Juozas Lukša-Daumantas ), Bernardinai, March 8, 2021.
„Norėčiau galėt pavydėt mano brangiai konkurentei... Iš Nijolės Bražėnaitės ir Juozo Lukšos-Daumanto susirašinėjimo“ (I wish I could be envious of my competition: From the love letters of Nijolė Bražėnaitė and Juozas LukšaDaumantas), Bernardinai, February 17, 2021.
„Šiluma, kuri dvelkia iš Tavo laiškų mane užburia... Iš Nijolės Bražėnaitės ir Juozo Lukšos-Daumanto susirašinėjimo“ (The warmth from your letters enchants me... From the love letters of Nijolė Bražėnaitė and Juozas Lukša-Daumantas), Bernardinai, February 14, 2021.
„Mano brangus Juozuk... Iš Nijolės Bražėnaitės ir Juozo Lukšos-Daumanto susirašinėjimo,“ (My dearest Juozas... From the love letters of Nijolė Bražėnaitė and Juozas Lukša-Daumantas ). Bernardinai, February 8, 2021.
“Kaip išgyvenome Sausio 13-toji Niujorke,” (How we experienced January 13, 1991 in New York), Bernardinai, January 13, 2021.
“Taip kinai susitaiko su totalitarizmu,” (How the Chinese live with totalitarianism), Literatūra ir Menas, January 18, 2020.
“Nutildyta mūza. Apie Matildos Olkinaitės gyvenimą ir poeziją,” (The Silenced Muse: About the Life and Poetry of Matilda Olkinaitė), Atrakintas dienoraštis, edited Mindaugas Kvietkauskas, Vilnius: The Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, 2020.
“Nutildyta mūza. Apie Matildos Olkinaitės gyvenimą ir poeziją,” (The Silenced Muse: About the Life and Poetry of Matilda Olkinaitė), Bernardinai, January 25, 2019.
Performance dates: May – June 2017. Žygis prie jūros (A Hike at the Seashore). Alternatyvas Alternatyvai, Tallaght Theatre, Dublin, Ireland. (10 performances).
Performance dates: 2013 – 2014. Vertėjas (The Interpreter). Vilnius Chamber Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania. (28 performances).
Performance dates: July 26-27, 2013. Vertėjas (The Interpreter), Vilnius Chamber Theatre: Sponsored by the United States Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania. Special Baltic Pride performance dates: Baltic Pride 2013 Program.
Performance dates: November 22, 2011. Vertėjas (The Interpreter), National Drama Theatre, Vilnius: Staged reading.
Juk pažadėjai (You promised). Vilnius: Baltos Lankos, 2010
The Ghost in Hannah’s Parlor. Vilnius, Dominicus Lituanus, 2010.
Vaiduoklė svetainėje. (The Ghost in Hannah’s Parlor). Translated from Lithuania by Vida Bekštienė. Vilnius: Gimtasis Žodis, 2007. Shortlisted as one of the top five children’s book of 2007 by Lithuanian National Television and Radio.
2022 – Present: Freelance writer for Town and Travel, Kennebunkport, Maine
2022 – Present: Freelance writer for Draugas News, Chicago, Illinois
2022 – Present: Freelance writer for Draugas, Chicago, Illinois
2018 – Present: Contributor to The Vilnius Review: The Lithuanian Writers Union Online Magazine for Lithuanian Literature
2017 – Present: Contributor to HuffPost.
2016 – Present: Contributor to Deep Baltic
“Poets of Queens at QED: Jared Harel, Paolo Javier, Erika Meitner, Laima Vince.” QED, Astoria, Queens, New York, October 25, 2023.
“An Evening of Ukrainian and Lithuanian Poetry about Freedom in English
Translation with Hanna Leliv and Olena Jennings.” Franciscan Monastery,
Kennebunk, Maine, July 29, 2023.
“The Love Letters of two Resistance Fighters: Juozas Lukša-Daumantas and Nijolė Bražėnaitė.” Mažvydas National Library, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 3, 2023.
Moderator, Conversation with Rita Gabis on A Guest at the Shooters’ Banquet, Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York, August 20, 2022.
“Reading: The Quarantine Diary,” Liudvikas Rėza Cultural Center, Juodkrantė, September 6, 2022.
“Reading: Those Unforgettable Years,” Jonušas House Museum, Nida, Lithuania, August 24, 2022.
“Presentation of Those Unforgettable Years,” Vilnius Book Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania, February 2022.
“Discussion of the Quarantine Diary with Donatas Puslys,” Vilnius Book Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania, February 2022.
“The Poetry of Matilda Olkinaitė,” Vilnius Book Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania, February 2020.
“Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart,” Vilnius Book Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania, February 2020.
“Performance Piece: On the life and poetry of Matilda Olkinaitė, 1922-1941,” SLA, The Lithuanian-American Alliance, New York, New York, January 2020.
“This Is Not My Sky,” The Consulate General of Lithuania in New York, December 2019.
“This Is Not My Sky,” Vilnius Book Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania, February 2019.
“This Is Not My Sky,” Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2016.
“Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart,” Maine Writers Series, South Freeport Church, Freeport, Maine, 2016.
“The Poetry of Marcelijus Martinaitis,” Manchester Literature Festival, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2011.
“The Poetry of Marcelijus Martinaitis,” Lancaster Literature Festival, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2011.
“Lenin’s Head on a Platter,” Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania, Dublin, Ireland, 2011.
“This Is Not My Sky,” Gothenburg Book Fair, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2011.
“The Ballads of Kukutis,” London City Poets, London, England, 2011.
“Poetry by Laima Vincė,” Druskininkai Autumn Poetry Festival, Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007.
“Lenin’s Head on a Platter,” Lithuanian Liberals Conference, Kedainiai, 2010.
“Everybody Can Write,” Vilnius Book Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2009.
“The Ghost in Hannah’s Parlor,” Vilnius Book Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008.
“Translations by Laima Vincė,” Lithuanian Translator’s Conference, Tomas Mann House, Nida, Lithuania, 2008, 2004, 2003.
“K.B., The Suspect,” Ledbury Poetry Festival, Ledbury, England, 2008.
“The Ghost in Hannah’s Parlor,” Mažeikiai Library Reading Series, Mazeikiai, Lithuania, 2007.
“Poems,” SLOWWWO, Russian Poetry Festival, Kaliningrad, Russia, 2007.
“The Art of Poetry Translation,” Vermont College, Winter MFA Residency Program, Vermont, 2006.
“Poems,” Lithuanian Liberals’ Conference, Lemont, Illinois, 2004.
“Poems,” Valley Cottage Library, Valley Cottage, New York, 2004.
“The Earth Remains,” New York Public Library, New York, New York, 2004.
“Raw Amber,” Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt, Germany, 2002.
“Poetry Translations,” American Literary Translators Conference, New Mexico, 1993.